The Jean Pigozzi African Art Collection
Barthélémy Toguo Hidden Faces

from 07/03/2013 to 04/05/2013
"Hidden Faces" says the title. Barthélémy Toguo likes heads, faces, profiles, silhouettes. He observes that the human being is often dual; heads and tails like a coin, Janus, enigmatic, difficult to decipher. Toguos drawings, whether in black or in colour, large or small, are full of heads; sometimes horned the devilish side sometimes smiling the angel, sometimes studded and spitting, to illustrate suffering, sometimes serene or peaceful.For his second exhibition at Galerie Lelong, the artist will cover the walls with drawings and the floors with carpets woven by Bamileke women from Cameroon, with the aim of creating a meeting place that encourages chatting and conversation...
Link to the exhibition website